- Consulenza Fiscale per Società di Persone Fisiche, Professionisti, Ditte Individuali, Società di Capitali (Sr.l. e S.p.A.) e di Persone (S.n.c. e S.a.s.)
- Consulenza Fiscale per Enti non Commerciali, Associazioni e in genere Enti del Terzo Settore
- Elaborazione di Pianificazione Fiscale e relative Simulazioni
- Individuazione e gestione di pratiche di agevolazione fiscale
- Dichiarazione dei Redditi Studi di Settore – Parametri – ISA
- Dichiarazione IVA
- Visto di conformità per compensazione di crediti tributari
- Redazione Bilanci e Deposito
- Adempimenti tributari (es. Comunicazioni periodiche Liquidazioni IVA, Modelli Intrastat, etc..)
- Studi di Settore – Parametri – ISA
- CU Autonomi
- 770 Autonomi
- Certificazioni Utili
- Addebito Imposte modello F24 e compensazioni
- Rateazioni Imposte e Ravvedimenti Modelli Omessi e Imposte
- Ravvedimenti operosi e rateazioni presso Agenzia Entrate e Agenzia Entrate Riscossioni
- Atti di Precontenzioso e Ricorsi in Commissione Tributaria
Tax advice
The Firm offers advice on all aspects of taxation, both about direct and indirect taxes, both relating to companies and individual firms and entities and associations of the Third Sector. The Firm supports companies and individuals in tax deadlines, in tax obligations, in the tax planning of businesses and companies.
The consultants of the Firm have expertise both in terms of taxation, tax law, tax planning and tax compliance.
Therefore, starting from tax planning and the implementation of tax strategies of companies and groups, we proceed with the preparation of accounting where necessary and the compilation of the tax return and relative VAT.
The Firm provides its clients with periodic updating support for current regulations and tax news.
The Firm also takes care of assisting Clients in relations with the Financial Administration and the preparation of pre-litigation and litigation needs in the various degrees of tax proceedings.
Therefore, the Firm, by way of example, deals with:
- Tax Consultancy for Individual Companies, Professionals, Individual Firms, Joint-Stock Companies (Sr.l. and S.p.A.) and Persons (S.n.c. and S.a.s.)
- Tax Consultancy for Non-Commercial Entities, Associations and Third Sector Entities in general
- Preparation of Tax Planning and related Simulations
- Identification and management of tax relief practices
- Income Statement Sector Studies - Parameters - ISA
- VAT declaration
- Compliance visa for offsetting tax credits
- Financial Statements and Deposit
- Tax obligations (eg. Periodic communications of VAT settlements, Intrastat forms, etc.)
- Sector Studies - Parameters - ISA
- CU Autonomous
- 770 Autonomous
- Useful certifications
- Tax debit model F24 and offsets
- Instalments Taxes and Revisions Omitted Models and Taxes
- Laborious amendments and instalments at the Revenue Agency and the Revenue Collection Agency
- Proceedings of Pre-litigation and Appeals in the Tax Commission